Our personality, lifestyle, whether we become successful or unsuccessful, can do or not what we wanted to do etc. all depends on how we think, how we take life or our perspective towards life and everything we do or deal with. If we take or think our life or everything we do in negative way, then the result definitely will be negative and our life will be worthless and such person only will be unnecessary weight for the earth. This is not the way to live. On the other hand, if we think positively, take life in assertive way we can do whatever we wanted to do and our life will be successful. We can do many things for our self and for others who shares this earth with us as well.
By birth, we all are borned to think positive, live successful life and not be less than any human being in this world. But, after birth due to different situations, circumstances we have to think many things in many ways. Someday we are student, the other day teachers. Due to limited source and increasing number of population in many countries, competition is very high. In such situation, some people become depressed and think negatively when they re unable to compete with others. . In some case, even very small incident may force some people to think negatively. In this post, I am going to tell on how to turn negative thought into positive with a small incident which made one of my friend depressed and started to think negative but after some discussion with me, some other friends he turned his thoughts into positive. Let me start with that incident:
My friend David( name changed) have been using his bike for the past five years. About three weeks ago Blue book of his bike was taken by police saying there was no record file in Ministry of Transportation on licence of his bike.He was surprised by action of police which never before. Then, he didn't go to college, stayed alone in the home without talking to anyone. He didn't tell this to his parent because he was frightened and started to think what will happen next? What if he have to stay in jail or pay money and have to do process for next file and so on.
After five days, we were surprised not to see our regular friends for five days and went to visit him at his home. He was staying in his room alone and everything was here and there in his room and his face was dark. We asked him why he didn't come to college and what happened? Initially, he refused to tell and said nothing happened. We knew something had happened. But, after many request he told everything. This is very interesting why such small incident made this guy to be in this situation. We then told him not to behave in that way and many tips to solve that problem and change his way of taking such situations. It was so fun and and memorable that day for me. We discussed many things to tackle such situations and turn negative thought into positive one. It was so cold as well. So, we drank five cups coffee by each. I am summarizing that tips here so that it will help others as well.
- Think positive
In David's case though he said above questions such as what will happen next etc. were negative, I thin they are not negative totally. It is his believe that he was thinking negative was actually negative. This believe directed him to think more negative ideas.So, never believe that you are thinking negative after some problem. Rather, be assertive and feel that you will solve the problem easily and positively. - Find the main cause of the problem
There is no reason David to be frightened. If there is no record file, that is mistake of Transportation Ministry. Blue book is his prove that he is not guilt because he got the blue book after doing many processes in Ministry. His blue book shows that there should be file ad he had done everything he should have done before receving the blue book. So, if you think that you are thinking negative, stop this and find out what caused you to think negative. If there is nothing, then why to think negative? - Do not be frightened
In some cases, our worry, fear leads us to think and behave in negative way. Such fear, worry only makes the situation even worse. So, do not be frightened and worried. - Think in opposite way
If you think you don't want to live, think why do other people take medicine, visit doctors and why all these medicines, hospitals, doctors are for? Their life is important for them. That is because they want to live more. So, is your life very important for you as well.
If you think you can never pass the exam, take this in this way. Even great scientists and philosophers failed in their life. But, due to their courage, internal belief that they will and should pass exam or any test or do what they wanted to do made them become successful in their life.
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